Definition of GIS,Remote Sensing and Image processing
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GIS is defined as Geographic Information System.It is a tool to represent and/or retrieve data spatially.The spatially linked data are generally stored in a Geo-referenced database.
Remote Sensing is a procedure to capture image of a remote object by various type of optical/thermal/sound wave active/passive sensors.Active sensors send an artificial signal (microwave or sound pulse) and capture the image by sensing the reflectance of the same where as passive sensors only detects or absorb light or any other naturally available energy signal reflected from the target object. Whereas Image Processing can be defined as the retrieval of information from an image by converting the same into DN values shown within the pixels(units which constitutes a raster image) of the image. | |
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Active sensor detect artificial energy (microwave) whereas passive sensors captures natural energy reflected from an object(sunlight)
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