Five GIS Objectives That Can be Achieved Through the Attribute Table
Attribute Table Pre-requisites Attribute Table is a table where georeferenced data is stored for retrieval through geo-database. The data stored in the attribute table is used for the preparation of maps or geodatabases. When a shapefile is created a table can be connected to this file where relevant and related data of that feature can be stored. This data can be later used as a geodatabase or to create choropleth maps or any other related geospatial documents. To create an attribute table at-first shapefile needed to be created. There are three types of shapefiles: Point, Polyline, and Polygon shapefiles. Pont is created to digitize the location of a city, building, tourist spot, etc. Polyline shapefile is used to digitize rivers, canals, roads, rail lines, etc. Polygon is used to represent lakes, water bodies, watersheds, etc. Under each shapefiles, there can be many shape attributes. Normally for same kind of geographical features single shapefile is created. For river bodies in a ...