
Showing posts from February, 2013

How to create interactive maps with GIS ?

Some free but useful software for working in GIS projects are : MapWindow GIS,Quantum GIS etc. The steps for creating a Geo-referenced and informative spatial database( or database linked to spatial points) is the following : a)Selection of Coordinate System b)Creating shape-files(line for digitizing road,rivers etc;polygon for digitizing water bodies,plantations etc. and points for indicating cities,places etc.)  c)Creating the attribute tables linked to the shape-files where columns represents different attributes and rows represents the sub-shapes representing different features of same shape(artificial ponds can be digitized with polygon shape-files and each pond can be digitized within single shape-file where each sub-shape will describe that kind of pond only)  d)After relevant informations are entered into the attribute tables data-sets can be represented with the help of different colours or degree of colours or different styles. Each of the a...