
Showing posts from 2013

Books,Presentations and Courses you may use to learn the basics of GIS and Remote Sensing

If you want to learn a new tool or technique you must collect a list of learning resources which will be easy to read and understand,easily available or downloadable and cheap or free of cost. Similarly if you want to learn about GIS and remote Sensing you must know what are the learning resources you must have in your bookshelf or laptop. A list of : 1.Books 2.Presentations 3.Videos 4.Courses that you may attend were recently published in the  Baipatra  home page. While preparing this the following factors were considered : 1.The list must not be extensive but selective. 2.Only the best resources will be included. 3.Cost of the same will be minimal or nothing. 4.Links will be active and usable. After considering all the above factors and conducting a search through the net and based on experience finally the list is prepared and presented to those who are really interested to apply the advantage of GIS and Remote Sensing in their research.

Baipatra: Introduction to GIS Coordinate Systems

Baipatra: Introduction to GIS Coordinate Systems : The position of a point in a 2D or 3D surface is defined by a system of coordinates.There are mainly three types of Coordinate Systems that...

Coordinate System Part 1

The first step in developing an interactive map linked to relevant data that you want to represent is to select the coordinate system with which you want to work.The tip is if you are working in a global scale use the global coordinate systems. If you are working within a country use the local coordinate systems.If the scale of you work is within the district/state then use cadastral maps. A single point can be represented by x and y axis of your paper,height and width of your room or even the global coordinate systems.Each of the representation will be correct but the resolution will be effected.In x and y axis of your paper the resolution will be best,in the height and width of your room resolution will be medium and in the global axis it will be poor. That is why there are various types of coordinate systems and they are utilized based on the spatial scale at which you are working.

How to create interactive maps with GIS ?

Some free but useful software for working in GIS projects are : MapWindow GIS,Quantum GIS etc. The steps for creating a Geo-referenced and informative spatial database( or database linked to spatial points) is the following : a)Selection of Coordinate System b)Creating shape-files(line for digitizing road,rivers etc;polygon for digitizing water bodies,plantations etc. and points for indicating cities,places etc.)  c)Creating the attribute tables linked to the shape-files where columns represents different attributes and rows represents the sub-shapes representing different features of same shape(artificial ponds can be digitized with polygon shape-files and each pond can be digitized within single shape-file where each sub-shape will describe that kind of pond only)  d)After relevant informations are entered into the attribute tables data-sets can be represented with the help of different colours or degree of colours or different styles. Each of the a...